The Top 5 Best Ambient Sound Websites for Studying
Do you enjoy studying and getting work done in more public settings? You know, libraries, coffee shops, book stores, etc. The one big downside to those spots? They can get noisy. Face it, you’re at the mercy of those around you! Then, if you try to listen to music with lyrics? Forget it! It’s like just adding more voices on top of the ones that are already there.
No thanks.
So! I compiled a list of tried and true websites that I’ve used and trust any time I need to hunker down and focus.
Everyone knows YouTube. You can find a video on literally everything in existence on YouTube! But Do you want to have to listen to 3 minute long ads every 15-20 minutes if you don’t have YouTube Premium? (Which, lets be honest, no one has) You can certainly find a decent amount of selection, but if you’re the type that can have their concentration broken by pretty much any distraction, YouTube probably won’t be your go-to.
Noisli is going to be your right hand app if you’re a minimalist. You don’t like any bells or whistles, you just want your “white noise” or “calming stream” and that’s what works for you. Great! There is a usage cap at 1.5 hours of streaming time a day for the free version. The subscription cost is $10/ month which gives you unlimited streaming as well as a bunch of other features, but definitely something to consider if you’re the “pulling an all-nighter” type.
#3 Spotify
Ah Spotify. The heartbeat of modern day music streaming. The free edition, like YouTube does have intrusive ads, but you get much more of a customizable experience if you’re able to spend the $10 on Premium. You get curated playlists, no ads, new music release alerts, and a ton more. There’s not a monstrous amount of a library for ambient sounds on Spotify (yet), but it gets a bigger seat at the table for the user experience.
My personal go-to. This bad boy has literally help me write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. That’s right, I said 30 days. Ambient Mixer has a monstrous library of content, many of which are very creative. My favorite is the Gryffindor House Common Room, complete with crackling fireplace, page flip, soft chatter, the stirring of a cauldron and a light winter breeze. Like, it is completely donation based, so it is free to use for as many hours of cramming, writing, studying that you need.
I LOVE High quality sound engineered by incredibly talented professionals, it’s free, great for people with Tinnitus, and easy to use settings to change the different aspect of the song. It’s been heralded by the Wall Street Journal, as well as the New York Times and the Atlantic for it’s quality! It is donation based so be sure to drop a buck or so whenever you’re feeling particularly grateful. My only critique is that their website isn’t always the easiest to navigate which is completely understandable considering them being donation based.